Botanical name

Buddleja auriculata (SA No 636.5)

Other names

Weeping sagewood, treursalie (Afrikaans)


Loganiaceae, the wild elder family OR Buddlejaceae(?)


A bushy shrub, occasionaly a small tree, 3 to 4 m

Description of stem

Light brown and rough; stringy

Description of leaves

Simple ovate to lanceolate leaves that often droop, dark green above, greyish white and hairy below; finely furrowed on top, distinctive netveining; margins toothed; evergreen

Description of flowers

Variable colouring from lilac, cream to yellow; scented

Description of seed/fruit

Small brown capsule

Description of roots




Propagation and cultivation

Common garden plant; easy to grow, commonly done from wood cuttings




Favoured garden plant, valued for attracting butterflies and other insects, thus becoming a feeding area for insect eating birds

Ecological rarity


Pests and diseases





Bushy forest areas

Distribution (SA provinces)

Mpumalanga, KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape


South Africa; Lesotho; Swaziland; Zimbabwe; Mozambique



Buddleja auriculata -  new leaves; Photographed by Johannes Vogel

Buddleja auriculata; Photographed by Johannes Vogel